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CNH EST 9.11 Case New Holland Electronic Service Tool - Engineering 2024

Chady Saliya

Jan 1, 2024
Reaction score
New York
Introducing the latest version of the CNH Electronic Service Tool (EST) 9.11, set to revolutionize your diagnostic experience in 2024. This cutting-edge software is designed specifically for Windows 10 (64-bit) and Windows 11 (64-bit), ensuring optimal performance and compatibility. Please note that versions 9.11 and later no longer support Windows 7 and 8, but previous versions are available for those operating systems.

To efficiently run CNH EST, your computer must meet the following minimum specifications: an Intel Core i5 processor (6th generation or higher), a minimum of 8 GB of RAM, and at least 250 GB of hard drive space. Additionally, the system should feature a 9-pin serial port or a USB to RS-232 converter, along with two USB ports, 10/100 Ethernet, WiFi 802.11b/g, and Bluetooth capabilities.

The new holland tractor repair provides diagnostic coverage for various brands within the CNH group, including Case Agriculture, Case Construction, New Holland Construction, New Holland Agriculture, Flexicoil, Miller, and STEYR. With CNH EST, users can monitor parameters, retrieve faults, run diagnostic tests, program ECUs, and troubleshoot issues effectively.

Additionally, the E.A.S.y tool enhances engine diagnostics and allows direct ECU connections for programming and downloads via the K-Line protocol. The CNH Engine Download Tool, integrated within the EST program, facilitates ECU programming updates, blank ECU initialization, and crash recovery, making it an indispensable asset for service professionals in the field.
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