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The CNH Electronic Service Tool (EST) v9.11 is a robust diagnostic software

Chady Saliya

Jan 1, 2024
Reaction score
New York
CNH 9.11 software and eTimGo download.png
The CNH Electronic Service Tool (EST) v9.11 is a robust diagnostic software tailored for Case and New Holland agricultural and construction machinery. Here's an overview based on your provided details:
Key Features:

Engineering Level Access:
Enables advanced diagnostics, parameter adjustments, and in-depth system analysis.
Ideal for professional technicians requiring enhanced capabilities.

Vehicle Communication:
Supports vehicles equipped with Controller Area Network (CAN) BUS, ensuring compatibility with modern systems.

Operates on Windows 10 (64-bit) and Windows 11 Pro (64-bit).
Not compatible with Windows Home editions.

Global Language Support:
Available in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, and more, catering to a worldwide audience.

Comprehensive Coverage:
Supports Case IH, New Holland Agriculture, and New Holland Construction equipment.

Extensive Software Package:
Approximately 100 GB of data, ensuring thorough diagnostic and repair coverage.


Real-time diagnostics to identify and address issues effectively.
Enhanced productivity with a user-friendly interface and multi-language support.
Up-to-date with the latest 2024 features and models for Case and New Holland machinery.

If you're considering using or updating to this software, make sure your computer meets the OS requirements and has sufficient storage for the 100 GB of data. For further inquiries or support, contact the provided email address: Service@autonumen.com.
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