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Troubleshooting John Deere Diagnostic Kit ECU and FPC Software Issues


Jun 19, 2024
Reaction score
Boerne,TX,United States,
If you're experiencing issues with John Deere Service Advisor 5.3, where it fails to communicate with certain parameters or cannot be reset, here’s what you can do:

Common Issue:
- ECU and FPC might appear greyed out, which can prevent proper communication and resetting.

Steps to Resolve:

1. Check Connections:
- Ensure all cables and connectors are securely attached and not damaged.

2. Verify Software Installation:
- Confirm that John Deere Service Advisor 5.3 is correctly installed and updated to the latest version.

3. Perform a Regeneration:
- If a regeneration is required, follow the appropriate procedure to reset the system.

4. Consult the Manual:
- Refer to the user manual for troubleshooting steps specific to the ECU and FPC issues.

5. Contact Support:
- If the problem persists, reach out to our support team at Sales@obd2.ltd or visit our website at www.obd2.ltd for further assistance.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve issues with the ECU and FPC software.
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