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Help with CNH DPA5 - No Driver Issue


New member
Jun 19, 2024
Reaction score
Boerne,TX,United States,

I’m having trouble with my CNH DPA5 that I bought from a dealer. I can't get it to communicate with the EST (Electronic Service Tool). Here’s what happens when I connect it to the tractor:

- All the lights on the DPA5 flash once, and then only the power light stays red.
- My laptop beeps when I connect or disconnect the USB.
- When I check the USB device parameters, it says the setup is incomplete and there is no driver.

I’ve tried searching online for the driver but after 10 minutes, I haven’t found anything. Has anyone else experienced this issue or know where I can find the proper driver for the CNH DPA5?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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