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CAT ET Software (and Head Issues)


Jun 19, 2024
Reaction score
Boerne,TX,United States,
Hello, I have a 2004 Kenworth with a C15 CAT single turbo. I have had overheating issues and a blown head gasket. The cylinder head was also cracked so I replaced it. Since I got it back from the shop where they replaced the cylinder head I have been hearing a slight clicking or rattling noise. He thinks the injectors seem to be the problem and the air filter is making the loudest noise. I was wondering if there is a way to download the CAT ET software from the Caterpillar diagnostic tool and run some injector tests to see if it will find the problem. Is this available and how do I license or activate it? I have looked on the internet but there seem to be a lot of dodgy websites that will let you download it and I'm not sure if it will work.
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