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What Data Connection Adapter Should I Choose?


Jun 19, 2024
Reaction score
Boerne,TX,United States,
I currently use a Cummins Inline 5 with my own laptop, but my employer is purchasing a new laptop for me. We want to ensure that the new setup can connect to all of our devices, including Class 8 trucks. We primarily work with Cummins ISX engines, some Caterpillar C15 engines, and Detroit 60 Series engines. Additionally, I have two Eaton autoshifts, so I need an adapter that can connect to these transmissions as well.

Given these requirements, should I opt for the Inline 6, Inline 7, Nexiq, or another adapter? I need an adapter that will allow me to diagnose all these systems, read and clear codes, and set speed limits. Your advice on the best choice for comprehensive diagnostics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

If you have a better answer, please contact me in time. If there is no reply, please send an email to: Sales@obd2.ltd
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